Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ReNew Conference

Our region allows for a time that first term workers can get together to discuss areas in ministry that we have struggled with as well as areas we found were successful. This conference met this week. We discussed:
-the importance of covenants with supervisors, having them, how to stay accountable to them, now to make them more relevant to our ministry
-relationships with believers, non-believers, team mates, those in authority over us, and even relationships with family and with ourselves.
-exit strategy, such as how to prepare for when the time is right to move on from a setting as well as how to finish strong.
-cpm, which is a church planting movement. We are beginning to try and adopt a method of church planting that worked very well in Asia. This was presented in a very nice overview and gave us a good model for thinking about how to do effective entry, presentation, discipleship, church formation, and leadership training.

I felt this conference was good for me. It gave me a chance to listen as others talked through their struggles that I could relate with. They could put into words what I was unable to express at various times. Because of this, I see some ways that I can grow as an individual and a team member in my ministry. I also realized some areas that I can improve on. One is communication or being able to express myself. I would like to express to others when I am struggling and why. Maybe I need to even learn how to realize this within myself. I have often been a loner but I usually have a friend that I can talk to from time to time at church in which I bounce ideas off of. Here I have missed a relationship like that.
I’m grateful for this conference and for being able to draw close to those that came this week. I’ll miss our fellowship time we had, but always have email to keep in touch with them when I need to. We were very open during this time together, which helps draw out these areas that I can continue to develop in my personal life.

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