Sunday, September 7, 2008

the latest sharing news

These are my latest opportunities of sharing with my friends. These stories feature:
-my weekly guard
-Mr. T, my welding friend
-and the adult children of my home owner.


I've had some good conversations with my guard, with the youth at the house of my homeowner, and with the metal worker and his helpers on their relationship with God. I'll start with my guard. He's seen a More than Dreams DVD testimony-a true story about a Muslim who converted to Christianity, and he was asking questions after the dvd. They put a lot of emphasis on dreams here, and if Jesus speaks to them in a dream, they do seek him from others. I've shared with him some. I have asked him about his prayer beeds. He says he has to pray 1947 times a day! And I asked him what he's praying that much. He's saying 'forgive me' that many times...that's his prayer. His pastor (sereen) told him to do that. I'm working with him, and we'll continue to talk.

The homeowner and his family I have had some success with them. A month or so ago I was eating lunch with them, and went with one of the boys to his bedroom to have tea. While he was making tea and waiting for the water to boil he said his afternoon prayers. He read them aloud, but I noticed how fast he was reading. And I asked him why he rushed through the prayers? Was he praying what was on his heart? I was honestly curious. And he showed me his prayer book and that he's to pray through it daily, reading in Arabic. I asked him what it read, and he said he didn't know, just that he was to pray through it. So I shared that when I pray to God I pray what is on my heart, and I pray from my heart. Written prayers are ok, but I know that God loves me enough to want to hear from my heart. And when I pray, I talk to God with importance.
He seemed to understand that. We've talked since, and he's been with me when I've talked with others in his family, and he seems to be echoing what I try to say to his brothers and sisters. When they were asking questions and I would try to explain my answers, he'd speak more eloquently than I was able to. I'm going to have to start telling them stories, and maybe I have found someone that can be a helper.

The welder and his helpers have been much the same as the homeowner's kids. The welder wants to hear stories, and I am trying to build my relationship with him as well as simply tell truth now when I get the chance. He's helped me by asking his helpers not to talk so firm when they talk with me. I don't mind the firmness as much as they speak so fast and are so close to me when they talk (6 inches from my nose) that he helps me to tell them that we can learn from each other, and to have a conversation about our faith in God.
So that's where I am with those relationships. Please keep us in your prayers. Some days I feel like I'm close in getting them to understand, and other days it's as if I have to start over. I do care a lot about these individuals, and would love to see their hearts change.


Unknown said...

Hey Roy,
It's Danielle Wrench from Baptist Chapel. Just thought I'd say hey, and keep up the work you are doing for the Lord. I will pray for you as you continue to spread the word of Jesus Christ.

God Bless,

Roy Thagard said...

Thanks Danielle! Was a great surprise to hear from you. Hope you're doing well. Thanks for keeping up to date with my stories and a big thank you for your prayers.

Unknown said...

No problem :)